Blog 06-07-23 Wednesday
The skies darkened and then all the accumulated moisture of the heavens cast down on us last night(Tuesday). I briefly tried to imagine what I’d do if my residence floated away in the downpour. It rained Monday night, and behind me I see gray clouds massing. I’m headed in a tricycle for downtown Puerto Princesa in ten minutes so I might get the bath I needed with no effort.
Riding one of those tricycles is like sitting on the wing of a small aircraft at 10,000 feet. The vibration is constant and insistent. Smooth roads are a rarity hereabouts even in the central city (Puerto Princesa). If you find a smooth surface chances are you will see “Forgive the Inconvenience” — which should be the national motto — as a prelude to half the road being ripped apart for repairs. And if your tricycle driver sees torn pavement ahead he (there are no female tricyclist) will gird himself for the upcoming game of chicken with the guy(s) coming the other way. Truthfully there is a surprising amount of courtesy shown by the drivers who somehow always manage to avoid acrimony.
One thing I haven’t found in Palawan is a newspaper; not even a giveaway advertiser. And I’ve seen no magazines. It seems like once you leave high school here the printed word disappears from your life. OTOH the mobile phone is, like everywhere else in the world, ubiquitous. My host despairs of his son’s future because they spend every waking moment engrossed in games on their phones.
I went to the mall today. No need to describe it. It is identical to places I’ve been in St. Petersburg, Hong Kong, Pleasanton, and a thousand other locations. The food court (because, of course, it has a food court) is distinctive, There was a KFC and a Seattle’s Best coffee shop but the remaining vendors were all filipino brands that I didn’t recognize.
I’m headed for the big tourist attraction tomorrow, the Underground River.
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